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The U.S. government passes the Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Preparedness Act

a quantum computer

Quantum computing is a field that has gained widespread recognition, even among those who may not have a thorough understanding of it. Some people may have a general idea of why quantum computing is important and can provide brief summaries of its basic concepts, but may still be unsure of its potential outcomes.

What is Quantum Computing

But what exactly is quantum computing and how does it work? Quantum computers rely on the principles of quantum mechanics, which govern the behavior of particles on a microscopic level. One of the key principles of quantum mechanics is superposition, which allows a particle to exist in multiple states simultaneously. Quantum computers use quantum bits, or qubits, which can represent a 0, a 1, or a combination of both values simultaneously. This allows quantum computers to perform multiple calculations at once, potentially allowing them to solve problems much faster than traditional computers.

Security Implications

Quantum computing has the potential to significantly improve the speed of password-cracking techniques used by cryptographers. Some proponents of quantum computing claim that the performance improvements it offers could potentially make encryption keys, which were previously thought to be secure for long periods of time, vulnerable to being broken in a matter of hours by a small group of enthusiasts at a local maker space. This potential increase in speed and power has implications for the security of sensitive data and has led to discussions about the need to update encryption methods in the face of advances in quantum computing.

Current State and Future of Quantum Computing

Quantum computers are still in the early stages of development and are not yet widely available. Some experts doubt that quantum computers can ever be made powerful enough to be used against real-world cryptographic keys. They suggest that there is an operational limit on quantum computers, baked into the laws of physics, that will eternally cap the maximum number of answers they can reliably calculate at the same time. This upper bound on their parallel processing capacity means they will only ever be any use for solving toy problems.

Others believe that it is only a matter of time and resources before quantum computers are able to pose a risk to current cryptographic standards. Two main quantum algorithms, Grover’s quantum search algorithm and Shor’s quantum algorithm for integer factorization, are currently known to present a potential risk to some of the cryptographic standards in use today. Grover’s algorithm can potentially search through a database twice as fast as a traditional computer, while Shor’s algorithm can potentially factorize large numbers much faster than traditional methods.

Protecting Against Quantum Computing

The potential threat of quantum computing to cybersecurity has led to discussions about the need to update encryption methods to protect against potential attacks. One approach is to use quantum-resistant algorithms, which are designed to be secure against attacks from quantum computers. Another approach is to use post-quantum cryptography, which is a set of cryptographic methods that are currently believed to be secure against both classical and quantum computers.

U.S. Passes H.R.7535 – Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Preparedness Act

The U.S. government has recently passed the Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Preparedness Act, which aims to address the potential threat of quantum computing to cybersecurity. The act establishes a working group to assess the potential national security implications of quantum computing and to develop a strategy for addressing any identified vulnerabilities. It also directs the National Institute of Standards and Technology to identify and promote the development of quantum-resistant algorithms.

Read more about how to protect yourself in our cybersecurity guide for beginners


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